Professors and Universities

How can we ensure that students are well prepared to consider elements of sustainability in their future careers, make responsible choices, and act ethically?

Awareness Tests taken around the world
276 000
Universities that use Sulitest
Countries where our tools have been used
Sulitest propose un diplôme universitaire en développement durable pour les étudiants.
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Sulitest propose un diplôme en développement durable pour les étudiants d'universités.

For all higher education institutions

Sulitest tools are already used by a large number of academic stakeholders and institutions, since 2014.These tools can be used to raise awareness of sustainability among students or even to certify their level of knowledge with the new TASK™️ certification.

A leading role to play

By educating current and future socio-economic actors, higher education institutions play a crucial role in the quest for a sustainable future. One of the major missions of education is to empower citizens so that they are able to face the complex challenges of the 21st century, to initiate change, to make informed decisions, and to collectively build a sustainable future.

Sulitest propose un examen en développement durable pour les universités.
Les icônes verte de l'ampoule du logo Sulitest.

TASK™, a certificate for my students

The TASK™️ exam allows your students to understand and demonstrate their systemic knowledge of sustainability, and to obtain an internationally recognized certification in the academic and professional world.

Une ligne esthétique faisant partie de la charte graphique de Sulitest.
Login or Register for your TASK™ account
La planète qui fait partie du logo de Sulitest.
Un repère de couleur verte du site Sulitest.

How do I prepare my students?

The goal of the Sulitest movement is to accelerate the integration of sustainability into higher education by providing educators with tools that are easy to implement in the curriculum.

For Sulitest, academic freedom is a fundamental principle. Every institution, every program, every professor has the freedom to conduct scientific research, to teach, and to express themselves within the framework of their position. None of the tools on our platform are intended to substitute for the absolutely crucial work of faculty. Professors are the ones who know their learners best. They are obviously the ones who know best how to train their students, depending on the population, their level of acculturation, and the programs they are following.

However, since the field of sustainability knowledge is by nature complex and cross-cutting, we want to support, as much as possible, those who are seeking to integrate these topics into their pedagogical approach.

We have therefore decided to offer our TASK™ users access to a collaborative tool: the knowledge hub. A platform in perpetual evolution, the knowledge hub provides a number of dedicated tools and access to related existing platforms.

A tool built for and by the community of users, the knowledge hub provides everyone with resources for deepening their knowledge on one of the subjects of the knowledge area (biodiversity, poverty, climate...) as well as materials to help instructors integrate these subjects into their courses.

Sulitest est le créateur d'un diplôme universitaire en développement durable pour les étudiants.
Un repère de couleur verte du site Sulitest.

Easy to implement

The TASK™ online platform was designed with the user experience as a key criteria. It is ergonomic, comprehensive, robust, and easy to use. As an examiner, you can invite your students to a TASK™ session with just a few clicks.

Students will receive their results and certificate at the end of the session, which they can then promote on their CV or social networks.

TASK™ User Guide
Un repère de couleur verte du site Sulitest.

TASK™ pricing options

Institutions can either purchase a number of vouchers to distribute to students in a specific course or program,
or become a Change Leader and invite as many students as they wish from their institution each year. For more information, contact us.

From 2 to 8 € / Student

Annual subscription*, unlimited access

* calculated according to the size of the institution
(Minimum size: 300 students)

CONDITIONS: 3-year “Change Leader” subscription
Offer TASK™ to the majority of the students at your institution in the next 3 years

Learn More
From 30 to 40 € / Student

Annual subscription*, unlimited access for a specific program

* Calculated according to the size of the cohort
(Minimum size: 50 students)

3-year “Pioneer Program” subscription

Learn More
50 € / certificate

CONDITIONS : Min. 30 vouchers

Suggest TASK™  to your university

If you think TASK™ could be integrated into a program or across your institution, feel free to download the presentation material or get in touch with us.

La planète qui fait partie du logo de Sulitest.
Un repère de couleur verte du site Sulitest.

Change Leader institutions

Voici le logo Change Leader de Sulitest.

35 universities and business schools are already taking part in the Change Leader program, committing to integrating sustainability knowledge into all programs, and to certifying majority of their students within 3 years, with TASK™️.

List of Change Leaders : American University of Cairo (School of Business), Campus XII Avenue, CY Université, ECE, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Ecopia, EM Normandie, ENS Lyon, ENSEA, ENSG, ENTPE, EPISEN, ESCE, ESCP, ESG Act, ESME, ESSEC Business School, ESTA, Excelia, Grenoble Ecole de Management, HEC Montreal, IESEG, IMT Business School, JUNIA, KEDGE Business School, Nantes University, Paris Saclay University, Sup de Vente Paris/ESSYM, UniLasalle, Université Senghor, University of Sussex Business School, Terra Institute, Toulouse Business School, YNOV, Y Schools (SCBS, Ecole Supérieure de Design de Troyes, Ecole Supérieur de Tourisme Troyes-Metz, EIME).

Un repère de couleur verte du site Sulitest.

I want to know more about TASK

Want to learn more about the features of TASK™ and its field of knowledge? Go to the TASK™ description page.

Learn more about TASK™

Login or Create your TASK™ account

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Les icônes jaunes de l'ampoule de la charte graphique de Sulitest.

Learning and raising awareness

Discover all our learning and awareness tools
DiscoverUne partie du logo de Sulitest Impact.
Le logo d'Awarness Test, l'outil de sensibilisation de Sulitest.
Improve and map the awareness of sustainability issues
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Le logo de Looping, l'outil de sensibilisation de Sulitest.
Reverse pedagogy to consolidate sustainability knowledge
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Une autre version du logo quiz développement durable, l'outil de sensibilisation de Sulitest.
Engage your audience with a fun quiz about sustainability
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Examples of how our tools are used
Many higher education institutions use Sulitest tools in their academic programs. Whether it's an Awareness Test at the beginning of a course, a fun Quiz to introduce sustainability, or a Looping workshop to consolidate knowledge, find out how to use these tools.
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Les icônes violettes du logo de Sulitest.

Universities & Professors

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